National Repository of Grey Literature 4 records found  Search took 0.01 seconds. 
Separation and Elemental Composition of Tardigrades and Rotifers from Cryoconite in Svalbard
Jaroměřská, Tereza ; Žárský, Jakub (advisor) ; Šabacká, Marie (referee)
For years considered pristine, glacial ecosystems are attracting more attention of biologists from various branches in last decades. Moreover, they are currently considered to be ecosystems forming the coldest biome on the Earth. The life on glaciers ranges from viruses and bacteria to highest consumers such as few groups of microinvertebrates. The most common are tardigrades (phylum Tardigrada) and rotifers (phylum Rotifera) which inhabit cryoconite holes on the glacial surface. Several studies highlight the importance of the role of these consumers. However, due to the dominance of prokaryotes on the glacial surface, these microinvertebrates are usually out of the major scope of most studies aiming at biological processes. The present study shows pioneering results on the isotopic composition of tardigrades and rotifers, which are the top consumers in cryoconite ecosystems, and is a foundation for the exploration of trophic pathways and interactions within cryoconite holes using elemental and stable isotopic analyses. It also presents information about the species composition of tardigrades and rotifers on different glaciers and in different parts of the ablation zone. We identified 5 species of tardigrades (Hypsibius sp., Hypsibius cf. dujardini, Pilatobius sp., Isohypsibius sp. and Cryoconicus...
Separation and Elemental Composition of Tardigrades and Rotifers from Cryoconite in Svalbard
Jaroměřská, Tereza ; Žárský, Jakub (advisor) ; Šabacká, Marie (referee)
For years considered pristine, glacial ecosystems are attracting more attention of biologists from various branches in last decades. Moreover, they are currently considered to be ecosystems forming the coldest biome on the Earth. The life on glaciers ranges from viruses and bacteria to highest consumers such as few groups of microinvertebrates. The most common are tardigrades (phylum Tardigrada) and rotifers (phylum Rotifera) which inhabit cryoconite holes on the glacial surface. Several studies highlight the importance of the role of these consumers. However, due to the dominance of prokaryotes on the glacial surface, these microinvertebrates are usually out of the major scope of most studies aiming at biological processes. The present study shows pioneering results on the isotopic composition of tardigrades and rotifers, which are the top consumers in cryoconite ecosystems, and is a foundation for the exploration of trophic pathways and interactions within cryoconite holes using elemental and stable isotopic analyses. It also presents information about the species composition of tardigrades and rotifers on different glaciers and in different parts of the ablation zone. We identified 5 species of tardigrades (Hypsibius sp., Hypsibius cf. dujardini, Pilatobius sp., Isohypsibius sp. and Cryoconicus...
Holocene climate changes in the High Arctic
Prochová, Dominika ; Vondrák, Daniel (advisor) ; Roman, Matěj (referee)
Climatic changes are nowadays frequently discussed subject in the scientific, political and public sphere. For better understanding of their causes, development and possible impacts is one of the basic prerequisites for investigating such anomalies, that have taken place in the past. In natural archives, it is possible to find records not only about their parameters but also about the mentioned impacts - ecosystem changes, earth surface's geomorfological transformartions or the impact on human society. The most studied period of geological time is Holocene. It is about the most recent period and we currently live in its third stage. Thankfully, due to relatively sufficient knowledge of its climatic anomalies we are able to study the climate's contribution with enough complexity to valorize the currently much observed global warming, witch is often connected to human activity. The Arctic is probably the most sensitive place to climate changes on the planet. The warming, that is currently observed around the globe, is there noticeably higher - by the end of the 20th century, the average annual temperature increased twice as fast. The aim of this thesis is, in the form of literary research, to describe and examinatie the climate development in high Arctic areas, potencially the most sensitive...
Cyanobacteria and microalgae associated with mosses in wet meadows (High Arctic)
Associations of nitrogen fixing cyanobacteria with mosses in wet meadow habitats of central Svalbard are of significant ecological importance as they represent a dominant nitrogen source. The first aim of this thesis was to find a suitable method to mechanically dislodge cyanobacteria from the moss stems, which would allow subsequent cyanobacterial identification and quantification. The second aim was to perform pilot Sanger sequencing which would allow to obtain another assessment of the cyanobacterial community for future studies of the wet meadow.

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